The Paper Feeder command
ThePaperFeedersupersctcommandlets youchangethe paperfeederfrom whichthe
To changethe paperfeederyou send the Paper FeederEscapesequence:
<ESC> [ C n
For the value of n you enter a numberfromthis table:
1 Uppercassette
2 Uppercassettefor one sheet,then switchesto the lower cassette
3 Optionalenvelopefeeder
4 Lower cassette
5 Lower cassettefor one sheet, then switchesto the upper casscttc
Thiscommand,if givenatthebeginningof a page,controlsthefeederof the sheeton whichto print that page.
If thecommandis not atthebeginningof thepage,it willforcea FormFeed and controlthe feeder of the sheet on whichto print the ncw page which follows.
Thiscommandis ignoredfor the