The final“TechnicalSupplement”containingthe commandandcharac- ter referencetableswill probablyget thumbedthe most.


Incidentally,oneof thoseTechnicalSupplementtablessuggestsa coupleof typographicconventionswe’lluse. Baseten (decimal)numberswillgener- ally be used here; if we have to use base sixteennumbers(hexadecimal) we’ll expresslysay so.

Andsecond,thelowercaseL ispracticallyidenticalto thenumberone(1vcr- sus 1). BecauselowercaseL is used in manycommanddescriptions,we’ll use the charactert’toavoidconfusion.

The Star LaserPrinter 8 Operations Manual

Thismanualisthecompanionto theStarLaserPrinter8OperationsManual that camewith yourprinter. Alaserprinteris a fairlycomplextoolthat re- quirescare anddelicatehandling. Soto use thisApplicationsManual best, make sure you understandthat OperationsManual first.

Your OperationsManual holds essential informationabout the Lascr- Pnnter,8,such as how to:

unpackand set up yourlaserprinter,

connecttheStarLaserPrinter8 to yourcomputer’sserialor parallelport,

iink the LaserPrinter8 into a networkof severalcomputers,

configurethe LaserPrinter8 to yourneeds(wilhvanablcssuch as paper size and speedof data transfer),

load paper and the toner cartridge,

operatethe panel switchesand display,

run the LaserPrinter8 self-test,

look after yourprinterto keep it in peak condition.

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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Conventions, Star LaserPrinter 8 Operations Manual