When you wantto selectthe oppositeorientation,send this command:
<ESC>&tn O
in which for n you put Oto get portraitorientation,
or 1 to get landscapeorientation.
(Notice:the /character after the &is a lowercaseL.)
Symbol sets: a review
Eachfontcanhavemanysymbolsets,eachbeinga subsetof allthepossible characters of the font. These subgroups include different symbols for different nations or for lawyers or artists or mathematicians.Any two symbol sets, moreover, may store the same symbol at a different font positionin the printer’smcmory.
ThedefaultLaserJetII emulationsymbolset
LaserJetH modeprovidestwo differentsymbolset commands.You put a code into one commandto selecta particularsymbolset for yourprimary or secondaryfont.YouU.SCtheothercommandto selectthecurrentordefault symbolset for yourprimaryor secondaryfont.
Selecting a symbol set
Thisfirstsymbolsetcommandletsyouselecta particularsymbolset forthe current font. To select a symbol set for your primary font, send this command:
<ESC>( n
For n enterone of the followingsymbolcodes.The first charactermustbe a digit and the secondan uppercaseletter.
OA | |
OB | Line Drawcharacters |
OD | 1S0 60: Norwegian |
OE | RomanExtension |
OF | 1S0 25: French |
OG | HP German |