and scrollthrougha lowermenu level. And you also press ENTER when youwantto savea particularmenuitcmas thevaluefor a currentparameter setting.
Thethreelastmenuheadingslet youloadoneversionof theparametersinto another version. Two move the current parametervalues into either the initialor
In this sectionyou’llmeet two separatecontrolsover how the Star Laser- Printer 8 itself works.The INTERFACEparametercontrolscommunica- tionsbetweentheprinterandyourcomputer.AndtheCOMMANDparame- ter determines,amongotherthings,whichsetof commandsthe printerwill use. You can set these INTERFACEand COMMANDparameterson the front panel.
The INTERFACE parameter
The INTERFACEparameter,the most basic of the Star LaserPrinter8’s configurationsettings,defineshow yourcomputerconnectsto the printer. You can set the INTERFACEto either Serial or Parallel (in IBM or Ccntronicsmode).In
Serial. ~
The particular printer interface settings don’t matter as much as making sure theymatchthoseon yourcomputer.If youuse an
Serial interface: rate
If youask for the Serialinterfaceyou’llhaveto tell yourprintermoreabout howthe datawill be comingin— in particularits rate and unit size and the meaningsof any specialbits.