You then do the same for the italicsand boldfacefiles, for exampletyping for the italicsfont:


Thepromptswillbethesame,butyouhaveto remcmbertouscdifferentfont ID numbersfor the upright,italicand boldfacefonts.

Downloading a font: example two

Exampletwo is for a computerrunningAldus Corporation’sPageMaker desktoppublishingprogramwith MicrosoftWindows.

PageMakerprovides a print dnvcr called HPPCL.DRV,and a program calledPCLPFM.EXEwhichcrcatcsthe data it needsto print a givenfont. To createfontdataforyourCenturySchoolbookfonts,attheA>promptyou type:


The astc&k, a “wildcardcharacter,”indicatesthat PCLPFMis to create a data tile for all three fonts—regular,italicsand bold.The programasks if youwanttocreatea filecalledAPPNDWIN.INIto appendintothe Windows fontmenu tile: type Y for yes.

After PCLPFMhasmadethe fontdata file, withyourwordprocessoropen the Windows file calledWIN.INIandkey in the fontdefaultsyou wantto apply. At the section refcrnng to the HPPCL printer driver, insert the APPNDWIN.INIfile you crcatcdearlier.

That’sit! From now on your CenturySchoolbookfontswill appearon the print menusof all your Windowsapplications.

With both examples,how you usc the form dependson your applications software.As you know,sendingcommandsto changefontswill probably requiresomeexperimenting:be patient.Thesecommandsare describedin the followingfour chapters.

The process of downloadinga font you’ve designed yourself is not so straightforwardAs. youcanonlydothisin HPLaserJet11mode,creatingand downloadingfontsis dcscribcdfurtherin chapter4.


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Downloading a font example two, DOWNLOADCN1OOIPN.R8P, PCLPFMCNIOO*.R8P