You can now send your letter from your word processingprogramto the printerandfeedinthosepages.Whenyou’redone,youmaywantto sendthe <ESC>E commandone more time.


Youmightreasonablythinkof pageorientationas a pageformattingissue. To printwordswidthwiseon a page,however,eachletterin effecthasto lie on its back. So orientationis actuallya fontattribute,and is treatedas such later on in this chapter.

Page Length

The paper tray you have installedsets the defaultpage size for your laser printer.Whenyouwantadifferentsize,andwhenyouchangethetray,you’ll need to reset that page size. You should always change the page length be~oreyou send text for printing. The Page Length command sets the numberof linesthatcan printon a page (linesper inchtimesthenumberof inches).

The Page Lengthcommandformatis:

<ESC>&/n P

wheren isthenumberof textlinesonthepage;itcanbeanynumberbetween 5 and 128.

The defaultnumberof linesis the lengthof the papertray times6 linesper inch.For 11-inchlener-sizepaperthatworksout to 66 lines(that’salsothe defaultwhen you haven’tput in a tray).

If you don’t want the default length, you should send the Page Length commandbejbreyousendtextforpnnting.Thetablebelowshouldhelpyou pickthe rightnumberof lines.Decidewhichorientationandpapersizeyou want, then usc the n underyourpreferredlines/inch:

If you have set the paper feeder from the front panel to “AUTO SELEC-

TION”,a “selectpagelength”command(<ESO&tn P) willautomatically selectthe cassettewhichcontainsthe paperselectedby the command.If no cassettecurrentlycontainsthe right size of paper,the displaywill ask you to insertthe appropriatesize of paper.


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Image 64
Star Micronics 8 Series manual Orientation, Length