You cannotset the left marginfurtherover than the rightmargin.Use the followingcommandto settheleftmargin,settingn to bethecolumnnumber whereyou wantthe left marginto start:

<ESC>& a n L

Similarly,to settherightmargin,yousendIhiscommandwithyourdesired columnnurnbcr:

<ESC>&a n M

If you wantto putbothleft andrightmarginsbackto theprinter’sprintable limits—in other words,to “clear”the side margins—send this command:

<ESC> 9

Top margin

Vertically,theLaserPrinter8 confinesitsprintingto its “textlength,”which shouldalwaysbe lessthanits pagelength.Bothare measuredin lines.You can changethe meaningof a “line”withline-spacingcommandsdescribed later in this chapter.

When you set the top margin though,it does not change,even when you changethe definitionof a line. You can use this commandto set the top marginanytime.Justbc awarethatif thecurrentprintpositionis belowyour margin,you’llhaveto movetheprintpositionbackup.Naturally,youhave to keep your top margininsidethe page-lengthlimit.

Use thiscommandto set thetop margin,settingn to bc the numberof lines down from the top of the page that you want left blank before you start printing:


Note that the characterfollowingthe “&” is a lowercase“L”.

Text length and the bottom margin

By default, the LaserPrinter8 automaticallygives you top and bottom margins of the same size. So you only need to send the Text Length commandwhen you want differenttop and bottommargins.

If youwanta differentbottommargin,firstdecidehowmanytextlineswill produce the margin you want. Check that they won’t produce a bottom margin lower than the page length.Then send the followingText Length command,enteringfor n yourdesirednumberof lines:


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Top margin, Text length and the bottom margin