The Change Emulation command

YoucanthinkofthesupcrsetChangeEmulationcommandasthekeyto your Star LaserPrinter8. The ChangeEmulationsuperset command lets you switchfrom one set of printercommandsto another“on the fly,” through software.

ThisisthecommandthatdefineswhatothercommandstheStarLaserPrinter 8will accept.WithChangeEmulationyouindicatewhichprinteremulation programyou wantthe printerto use.

When you start a new emulationyou alwaysstart a new page.

Note:alwayssendCarriageReturnandFormFeed(controlcodes<CR>and <FF>)just beforeyou givethis ChangeEmulationcommand. Theseforce the printerto printanypartialpagein its memoryand starta newpagewith the new emulation.If you forgetto issue thesecontrolcodes first the Star LascrPrinter8willdothemforyou—butyourChangeEmulationcommand willjust reset the printer’sparametersto theirinitialdefaults,and not give you the emulationyou ask for.

You issue the Change Emulationcommand with the following Escape sequence:

<ESC>[ E n

For the valueof n you entera numberfrom this table:

n< EMULATION O(zero)HP LaserJetII J (one) Diablo630

2Epson EX-800

3IBM Proprinter


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Star Micronics 8 Series manual Change Emulation command