Left-to-right printing
Theproblemwithbidirectionalprintingis thattheprintheadcangetslightly out of alignment. When you’re using more primitive tools sometimes accuracymattersmorethan speed,so a commandfor plainold
Thefollowingcommanddoesnothingto improvethe accuracyof yourStar LaserPrinter8, but it’s included for software compatibility’ssake. The commandjust movestheprintpositiontotheleftmargin,actingasacarriage returnwithouta line feed. Normalprintingresumeswith the next carnage return.
To turn on
Moving horizontally from the left margin
Two horizontalmotion commandssend the print positionto a particular positionon the line.Thesecommandsare basedon
Onemovecommandis an“absolute”move,to therightfromtheleftmargin. The other is a “relative”move,left or rightfromthe currentprint position.
To move from the left margin in incrementsof 1/60 inch, you send this command:
<ESC>$ nl n2
Atthebeginningof thechapterwesaidsomecommandvariables,likenl and n2 here, could representbytes to be addedtogether.This is one of those commands.The nl representsunits and n2