Withthe StarLaserPrinter8 youcan printon a varietyof ordinarycut sheet pages.
For the Feedervalueof thisPAPERFEEDparameter,youfirst entereither cassetteor manual feed to indicatewhere you want paper fed from. The cassettetray automaticallyfeeds singlesheets,muchlike sheet fecdemon othertypesof printers.Manualfeed meansyou feed each sheetby hand.
The defaultpaper size is 8.5 by 11inch
●8.5 by 14 inch
●A4 international (used in every country except North America)
(210 by 297 mm)
●B5 international (used in every country except North America)
(182 by 257 mm)
●the narrower “executive”size (7.25 by 10.5inches)
One other nice thing you can do is print directlyon envelopes.With this Paper Size parameteryou can specify envelopesin sizes #10, Monarch, EuropeanC5 and DL. Thenjust work out whereto put the address,set the orientation to landscape (see below), and slide your envelope into the manualfeed slot. Easy!
Inanyemulationmodeyoucansendyourprintercommandsto changepaper sizeorfeedin,papermanually;youcanalsoselectthoseparametersfromthe panel.Either,way,a messagein the printerdisplaytells the operatorwhat paper size to use.
Auto parameters
Thepnntposition referstothepointonthepagewherethenextcharacterwill be printed.Whenthe printerreachesthe end of a line, the AutoParameters settingstell it whetheror not to automatically:
●returntheprintpositionto theleftmargin(carriage return, sometimes just called “Return”),
●or move it down one line (h%e~eed),
●or keep text out of the sidemargin (auro wrap ),
●or keep text out of the bottommargin(jbrmfeed ).