Port Configuration | System Configuration and Operation |
3.4.4Test and Debug Screen
You can also go from the System Main Screen to a Test and Debug Screen, which allows you to perform
The system software also has a
3.5Port Configuration
3.5.1Selecting and Configuring Your ports
The System Main Screen lists all system ports. You can access any port from the Main Screen by moving the cursor in the installed interfaces column with the arrow keys until the desired port is highlighted, then press <Enter>. The associated port Main Screen now appears. The only optional installed interface on the
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor around in any port screen. When changing port parameters, some settings require you to enter your own values on the keyboard, while others allow you to select from a list of
To enter a
To choose an option setting from a list of displayed options, press <Enter> with the associated parameter field highlighted. A series of available option settings now appears for that field. Use the
Be sure to configure each port according to your networking requirements. From the System Main Screen, select each port in turn and change the options for that port from its Main Screen. Select the Save command by pressing “s” after making all the changes for a port, then press “m” to return to the System Main Screen and choose another port. Similarly configure each remaining port in your system.
Once configured, the port settings are permanently stored in
System Operation |