Error Messages B-1
Appendix BError Messages

B.1 Introduction

This appendix lists the IMACS-200 error mess ages. One of these messages may appear at the
bottom of the screen when you enter a command, indicating that the system did not perform
the requested action. This condition may have been caused by an operator error, absence of a
port in the system, or other condition. If an error message appears, take the appropriate
corrective action. For convenience, the system error messages are listed alphabetically.
A name must be assigned to Circuit ID field.
You must enter a name for the circuit before attempting this ope ration. Go to the Circuit ID
field, type the desired name, and save it.
All blank prt report.
You chose the empty option setting for all four elements of the Print Alarm on the Interface
port. This combination of settings is invalid and cannot be saved. Choose the proper option
settings for these elements.
ASYNC/5 databits must have 2 stop or parity.
You have assigned an SRU port to an asynchronous circuit with 5 data bits , one st op bit , and
no parity. This is an invalid combination of option s ettings. Either c hoose two ( 2) stop bi ts, or
enable parity on that port.
Both WAN’s cannot be in test mode.
You cannot use the test option on both sides of a cross-connect simultaneously.
Cannot be STDBY while BERT test is running.
You cannot change a port from the actv (active) state t o the stdby (stan dby) state whil e the Bit
Error Rate Tester (BERT) is running. You must end the BERT test first.