The Severely Errored Seconds (SES) field indicates the total number of seconds in which the bit error rate exceeded one bit per thousand (1 x
The Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (CSES) field is triggered by the occurrence of ten consecutive Severely Errored Seconds. Once triggered, this field will increment (by one) for each elapsed second until the system logs ten consecutive
The Out of Synchronization Seconds (OSS) field indicates the number of seconds that the HSU BERT has been out of synchronization. This is an
The Bit Error Rate (BER) field indicates the rate at which errors are being logged. The system calculates BER by dividing the number of bit errors (BE) by the total number of bits transmitted during the test. This is an
The Elapsed time (ELAP) setting indicates the running tally of the total number of seconds during the test. This is an
The Loopback State (LB ST) field indicates whether there are any
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