| Remote Administration |
Bytes Delivered Above
The Bytes Delivered Above field shows the number of information or traps sent from TCP layer of the network host to the local system.
Bytes From Above
The Bytes From Above field shows the number of information or traps sent to the TCP layer of the network host from the local system.
Packets Sent
The Packets Sent field shows the total number of TCP packets that were transmitted to the network host by the local system.
ACKs Received
The ACKS Received field shows the total number of acknowledgments that were received by the local system from the network host.
Packets Sent - Reset
The Packets Sent - reset field shows the total number of TCP packets that were transmitted by the network host to the local system.
Packets Sent- ACK
The Packets Sent - ACK field shows the total number of TCP acknowledgment packets that were transmitted by the network host to the local system.
Packets Retransmitted
The Packets Retransmitted field shows the total number of TCP packets that were retransmitted by the local system to the network host.
RTT Increased
The RTT Increased field shows the number of times the retransmission
General Features |