WAN port User Screens and Settings

WAN ports


The Loopback Generate setting (available only in esf format) generates out-band diagnostic codes that are sent to the remote equipment. These codes are compatible with DDS networks and allow you to command a latching loopback at remote DDS equipment. The options are off, llb (Line Loopback), plb (Payload Loopback) and nlb (Network Loopback).

Selecting off generates a loopback deactivate command corresponding to the last activation command generated. e.g. if you send a plb command and then send an off command, the off command would be payload deactivate. Note that the actual transmission of the command happens after you press ‘s’ for Save. If you have already sent one of the loopback activation commands, it is recommended that you send an off command before sending another loopback activation command. e.g. this set of selections plb, off, llb, off transmits the following commands: payload activate, payload deactivate, line activate, and line deactivate.


This option allows the card (available only in esf format) to detect DS1 channel, and ANSI T1.403 loopbacks. When set to off, no T1 loopbacks can be detected. When set to on, T1 Loopbacks will be detected and maintained until a loop down is detected. The with/time-out (w/to) is the same as on except that if no loop down is detected after ten minutes, the loopback will self-terminate. If the WAN is in loopback due to a command from a remote device, the loopback will be dropped if you choose off.


The Excessive Error Rate Threshold selects the error rate, which an alarm is declared. This setting interacts with the EER setting in the Alarm Filters of your system. The options are 10e-4through 10e-9,or none.


The Communications/Network Management System Report setting (available for E1 customer only) tells the system where to send TCP/IP packets from the NMS configuration selected. The options are none (no NMS), or e-sa4(send NMS information in a proprietary ESF format via the SA4 channel to an NTU).


WAN Ports

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Image 136
Zhone Technologies IMACS-200 manual Lb Gen, Lb Det, EER Thrhd, Com/Nms Rp