ITG Engineering Guidelines Page 117 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Table 20 provides a sample measurement of network delay and packet loss
for the G.729A codec between various nodes.
Table 20
Sample Measurement Results for G.729A codec
As an example, the delay an d l o ss pair of traffic from Santa Clara to
Richardson (171 ms and 1.5%) will meet “excellent” criterion, but their
counter part with standard deviation (179 ms and 2.1%) can achieve only
“good” QoS.
Since the algorithm implemented in ITG will calculate mean only and not
standard deviation, it will confirm the “excellent ” rating (if the objective is
set for excellen t, it will not fal lback to alter nate facilities ), but the custom er
will have up to 50% chance to experience a service level inferior to
“excellent” level.
As a contrast, the site pair Santa Clara/Ottawa which has both QoS levels of
mean and mean+σ falling i n the excellent re gion. The customer will have
more confidence that (better than 84% chance under the assumption of
Normal distribution) during peak traffic period, the “excellent” service level
is likely to be upheld.
Destination pair Measured One way
delay (ms)
Measured Packet
loss (%)
Expected QoS level
(See page 143)
Mean Mean+σMean Mean+σMean Mean+σ
Santa Clara/
Richardson 171 179 1.5 2.1 Excellent Good
Santa Clara/
Ottawa 120 132 1.3 1.6 Excellent Excellent
Santa Clara/
Tok yo 190 210 2.1 2.3 Good Good
Ottawa 220 235 2.4 2.7 Good Good
Tok yo 305 345 2.2 2.6 Good Fair
Tok yo 260 286 2.4 2.8 Good Fair