ITG Engineering Guidelines Page 97 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
WAN route engineering
After T-LAN traffic is calculated, determine the bandwidth requirement for
the WAN. In this environment, bandwidth calculation is based on network
topology and destination pair.
Before network engineering can begin, the following networ k data must be
Obt ain a network topology and routing diagram.
List the sites where the ITG nodes are to be installed.
Lis t the site pairs with ITG traffic, and the codec and frame duration
(payload) to be used.
Obt ai n the o ffere d tra ffi c in CCS f or e ach si te pair ; if avai la ble , sepa rate
voice traffic from fax traffic (fax traffic sent and received).
In a network with multiple time zones, use the same real time busy hour
(varying clock hours) at each site that yields the highest overall network
Traf fic to a route is the sum of voic e traffic plus the larger of one way fax
traffic (either sent or received).
To illustrate this process, the following multi-node engineering example is