Page 30 of 378 Description
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Active Leader
The Active Leader card is an ITG ISL Trunk card that acts as a point of
contact for all other Meridian 1 in the network.
The Active Leader card is responsible for the following:
distribute incoming H.323 calls to each registered Follower card in its
node, and balance load among the registered cards for incoming IP calls
IP addresses for other cards in its node
work as a time server for all ITG ISL Trunk ca rds in its node
perform network monitoring for outgoing calls in its node
vo ice processing
All calls from a remote Meridian 1 ITG node are pre se n ted to the Active
Leader card. The Leader car d m ai n ta in s a resource table of all the I TG ISL
Trunk cards in its node. The Active Leader card consult s its in ternal Foll ower
card resource tab le to determine w hich Follower car d has the most i dle
channels. The Active Leader card selects this ca rd to receive the new call. Th e
Active Leader sends a message to the selected Follower card, informing it to
reserve a channel for t he new call. It redir ects th e call to the selected Follower.
The Follower card performs dialed number to IP address translation.
Backup Leader
The Backup Leader card steps in when the Leader is out-of-service. This
minimizes service interruptions.
D-channel IP
The ITG ISL Trunk card with DCHIP functionality (DCHIP Card) is
connected by the RS-422 cable to the Multi-purpose Serial Data Link
(MSDL) card on the Meridian 1 large systems. It connects to the SDI/DCH
Card on small systems. The DCHIP Card is equipped with a DCH PC Card.
The DCH PC Card provides the RS-422 and LAPD functionality that is
required for the D-channel (DCH) interface to the Meridian 1. The DCHIP
Card is the network side of the Meridian 1 ISL D-channel connection. The
card is a tandem node in the swit ch network, providi ng a single- to multi- point
interface between the Meridian 1 and the IP network (see Figure2).