Page 256 of 378 OA&M using MAT applications
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
The following comments apply to the fields in the ITG Dialing Plan– Remote
Node Properties General window:
The list of nod es in the Node drop l ist is der ived from th e l ist of nodes in
the Main ITG window. When you select a node, the Node IP address is
inserted as read only. If you change a Node IP address through the Node
Properties, the address is automatic ally update d in the d ialing pla ns. You
must, however, trans mit the dialing plan to each ITG card for the change
to begin. When you select “Not defined on this MAT PC”, the Node IP
edit box is empty, and you must define the Node IP. When you delete the
node in the Main ITG window, the node is set to “Not defined on this PC”
and the IP address is not changed.
The Node name is optional, unless you select the “Not defined on this
PC” option. If you select this option, you must enter the Node name.
The Node capability drop-down list contains H.323 V2, ESGF, FTUP,
V1UP, and V2UP. The default is H.323 V2.
The Quality of Service is a slider bar and read-only edit box with spin
buttons. You can use either control. Changes in the slider are
dynamically reflected in the edit box. These controls are disabled if the
QoS monitoring option is not checked.