Page 250 of 378 OA&M using MAT applications
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
ITG Card Properties
To display the property sheet of an ITG card, double click on an ITG card in
the ITG Main window.
The property sheet has a tree control on the lef t-hand side o f the win dow. You
can control the ITG card or any of the DSPs. Different property sheets appear
for ITG cards, DSPs, and D-channels by clicking on the required item in the
tree. ITG determines the number of DSPs at run time wh en the prope rty s heet
opens. If the card is not responding, the number of DSPs is unknown and no
DSPs are displayed. T h e D -ch an nel only appears in the tr e e control if
D-channel hardwar e exists on the ca rd.
There are tabs across the top of the ITG Card Properties window. The
following sections describe the windows that appear when you click on these
ITG Card Properties – Maintenance window
Click on the Maintenance tab to perform maintenance operations (see
Figure 47). Click on the appropriate button in the Maintenance window to
perform the required operation.
Figure 47
ITG Card Properties-Maintenance tab