OA&M using MAT applications Page 251 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
The following comments apply to the operations in the ITG Properties
Maintenance window:
• To perform Enable, Disable, and Perform operations, use the MAT
Maintenance Windows or System Terminal applications.
• The “ Reset” button is disabled when the ITG card is enabled.
• Use th e Set Node Time to change the ti me and date on the node. The node
time is updated every minute while the Card Properties is open.
• Use the “Open log file”, “Open trace file”, and “Open OM file ” buttons
to view the rela ted files. These files are trans ferred from the c ard using
FTP and displayed in Microsoft WordPad on the PC.
• The trace file is for expert level debugging (must turn trace turn on
through the command line).
• The log file contains error messages.
• The OM file contains the current Operational Measurements.
• Setting the node time is required during initial node installation. MAT
sets the Leader card’s time. The Leader sets the time on all other cards.
Set date and time for the ITG ISL Trunk no de
Set the date and time on the ITG ISL Trunk node in order to have correct time
and date stamps in Operational Measurement (OM) reports, RADIUS Call
Accounting reports, error messages and error and trace logs.
1Select the ITG ISL Trunk node for whi ch you want to set t ime and dat e
from the list in the upper part of the window.
2Double-click on Leader 0 from the list in the lower part of the window.
The ITG Card Properties Maintenance tab appears.
3Click on the Set Node Time button. The Set Node Time dialog box
4Set the correct date and time.
5Click OK. The clock is updated imm ediat ely on the Act iv e Leader card
(Leader 0 or Leader 1), which in turn updates the other cards in the
ITG ISL Trunk node.