Description Page 31 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Figure 2
ITG architecture
The ISL connection to the Meridian 1 functions as it does in a normal ISDN
network. The ISL controls the call proces sing for call s over anal og ITG IDSN
Signaling Link (ISL) TIE trunks. These ISL TIE trunks can be on any of the
ITG ISL Trunk cards. The ITG ISL D-channel only controls ITG ISL Trunk
cards in the same ITG node. MAT administ ration relates t he cards with tru nks
to the DCHIP ITG Trunk card.
The ITG ISL Trunk card uses ISDN messages for call control and
communicates with the Meridian 1 through the PC Card, using the RS-422
link. On the Meridian1, the MSDL provides the ISL DCH interface . The
DCHIP ITG Trunk card software performs the tandeming of DCH call control
to the H.323 protocol.
Core Switch
Core Switch
DCH H.323 IP Network
DCHIP + Followers
Core Switch
Core Switch