Page 300 of 378 Maintenance
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
ITG0308 Address translation failure. Call is
ITG0309 Unexpected DSP channel closed.
Channel is unusable.
ITG0310 Cannot open DSP channel.
ITG0311 Unable to get response from
Follower card. C ard can be
ITG0312 Unable to push BOOTP tab f ile to
Backup Leader.
ITG0350 Gatekeeper RAS reject threshold
ITG0351 Cannot open Gatekeeper
configuration file. Using defaul t
Major Alarms – Immediate intervention required
These alarms indicate an irrecoverable f ail ure of
the ITG card. Normal operation can only be
restored through manual intervention.
ITG0400 Fatal self-test fa ilur e. Card is out of
service. A fatal self-test diagnostic
error was found.
ITG0401 Reboot threshold exceeded.
Manual intervention required.
ITG0402 Ethernet voice port failure . T - LAN
problem or cable removed.
ITG0403 Ethernet management port failure.
E - LAN problem or cable remo ved.
Table 44
ITG Trunk 2.0 alarms (Part4 of 6)
Alarm Description Fault Clearing Action