Page 286 of 378 OA&M using the ITG shell CLI and overlays
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
5When the new software has downloaded into the flash ROM device,
you must reboot the ITG card to use it. Use the cardReset command
or press the reset button on the card faceplate.
1The latest ITG card software, which was obtained from the Nortel
Networks web page, must be made ava ilabl e to an FTP host. T his ca n
be an FTP host on the PC. As a special case, t he FTP host can be t he
ITG card.
Alternatively, you can use an FTP client running on the PC to put the
ITG card software file on an ITG host available by the ITG card on the
For example, any ITG card on the same node can serve as the FTP
host. The file can be put onto the C: drive of the ITG card serving as
the FTP host.
2Use the swDownload command to copy the software from the PC
card to the ITG card flash ROM device, using the FTP client and the
FTP host on the card. The host name parameter in this command is
the IP address of the FTP host, which can be loca l or rem ote to the I TG
card. The user name and password are the user name and password
of the FTP host. The directory pat h and fi le name are the dire ctory pat h
and file name on the FTP host. As a special case, the FTP host can be
the ITG card, and the directory path is "/C:".
3Press Enter. Monitor the status of the software upgrade, and check
that the upgrade correctly finishes. Observe any error messages that
indicate problems with parameters or syntax.
4When the new software has downloaded into the flash ROM device,
you must reboot the ITG card to use it. Use the cardReset command
or press the reset button on the card faceplate.