Page 220 of 378 Install and configure ITG ISL Trunk node
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
dIP addresses
If you are installing ITG ISL Trunk Node from a MAT PC on a
remote subnet, and you cannot communicate with the Leader 1 and
the follower cards after transmitting the node properties, card
properties and dialing plan to Leader 0 and rebooting the Leader 0
card, this means that the Leader 1 and the foll ower cards are unab le to
communicate back to the remote MAT PC through the default IP route
that points to the voice gateway (router) on the T-LAN.
To establ ish communica tion with Leader 1 and the F ollo wer cards f rom
a MAT PC on a remote subnet, you must connect a local terminal to the
maintenance port on the faceplate of the Leader 1 and Fol low er car ds
and use the ITG shell command ’routeAdd’ on Leader 1 and each
Follower card to add a new IP route f or the remot e MAT PC subnet that
points to the Management Gateway (router) IP address. Repeat this
step every time a card is reset until the c ard pro perties (contai ning t he
card routing table entry IP addresses) have been successfully
transmitted to eac h card.
ITG> routeAdd “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”, “yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy”,
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the remote MAT PC, and
yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy is the IP address of the management gateway on the
Press Enter.
2Verify that the TN, management interface MAC addresses, and IP
addresses are configured correctly f or each ITG car d. Select an y ca rd
in the ITG node in the MAT ITG ISDN IP Trunk main window, and select
menu Configuration | Node | Properties from the drop-down menus .
Compare the values displayed on the “General” tab and the “Card
Configuration” tab with those on the ITG Tr unk Installation Summary
Sheet. The ITG - Transmit Options dialog box appears.
3Correct errors and retransmit Node Properties
4Reboot all cards for which Node Properties have changed.
Transmit Card Properties and Dialing Plan to Leader 1and Follower cards