OA&M using MAT applications Page 271 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Note: This will temporarily preven t the ITG node from seizing the por t
from incoming calls.
“Disable an indicated ITG port” on page 273.
“Ena ble an indicated ITG card” on page273.
“Ena ble an indicated ITG port” on page273.
“Display ITG card ID information” on page274.
Note 1: This command displays the PEC (Product Engineering Code)
for the card. The ITG PEC is NT0961AA.
Note 2: The ITG card information displays the same ITG card serial
number that is displayed from the ITG shell using the serialNumShow.
“Display ITG card status” on page274.
“Display ITG card port status” on page274.
A summary list of ITG Meridian 1 system commands is shown in Table42
on page 271.
Table 42 shows a summary of the Meridian 1 system administration
commands available in overlay 32.
Table 42
Overlay 32 - ITG maintenance commands
Command Function
DISC l s c Disable the indicated card,
where: l = loop, s = shel f, c = card
DISI l s c Disable the indicated card when
idle, where: l = loop, s = shelf,
c = card
Note: you should use the DISI
command to disable the ITG card
instead of the DISC command. The
disablement of the ITG card is
indicated by the NPR011 message.