Install and configure ITG ISL Trunk node Page 185 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Note 1: Use the “NEW XX” command to assign DES equal to the ITG
card management interface IP address. For example: F or unit 0,
use CHG command to assign DES equal to the ITG card management
interface MAC address, for exa mple: is the mana gemen t in ter fac e MAC
address (hhhh:hh:hh:hh:hh). For example: 0060:38: 01:06:C6. To find
the management MAC address, see the ITG Trunk install ation s ummary
sheet. The management MAC address is labeled on the ITG Trunk card
faceplate as the “motherboard Ethernet address.” Alternatively, use the
ITG shell command “ifShow” to display the Ethernet address for lnIsa
(unit number 0).
Configure dialing plans within the corporate networkConfigure the dialing plan by programming Overlays 86, 87, and 90 as
Configure the Meridian 1 ESN by creating or modifying data blocks in
overlays 86, 87, and 90, as required. The Meridian 1 and MAT ITG Trunk
dialing plan information must correspond.
Make the ITG the first-choice, least-cost entry in the
route list block
When adding ITG tie trunks to an existing ESN, a common practice will be
to create a new RLB for ESN tr anslat ion s that are i ntende d to b e routed by th e
ITG network. Insert the new ITG route ahead of the e xis ting alternate routes
for circuit-switched facilities, which are therefore shifted to the next higher
entry number. Remember to increment the ISET (initial set) if Call-Back
Queueing or Expensive Route Warning tone are being used.
Turn on Step Back on Co ngestion (SBOC) for the
ITG Trunk route
For the ITG Trunk route entry in the route list bl ock (RLB), ent er RRA at the
SBOC prompt to enable Fallback to alternate circuit-switched trun k route due
to network QoS falling below the defined thres hold for the ITG Trunk node,
or when there are no ports available at the destination ITG Trunk node.