OA&M using MAT applications Page 261 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
The following comments apply to the ITG Transmit Options window:
• To transmit Node properties, select any card in the node.
• You must disable ITG cards before transmitting Card Properties.
• You can enable while transmitting all other data. However, you must
reset the card before the new card software begins working.
• To transmit to selected nodes, you must select one card in each node.
• Transmit control shows the status of the operation and any errors which
occur (for example, if a card is not responding).
• The “ Cance l trans mit” button is disa bled unti l you be gin a transmi ssi on.
When a transmission begins, the “Close” button is disabled. You must
cancel the active transmission before the window can close.
• The “View last transmit” button displays the results of the last
transmission in the list box. When a trans mission is s tarted, the list clears
and the “View last transmit” button is disab led.
• If there are no cards selected, the Synchroni za ti o n me nus are disabled.
• Transmission of card properties fails if the card is not disabled.
When transmitting to an ITG card whi ch is lock ed by anot her us er, t he se cond
user is provided with the option to override the lock (see Figure53). The lock
is only checked during the Transmit operation . If multiple cards are in volve d
in the operation, the second user is only provide d with the Locked IT G dialog
box once.
When the OM reports have been scheduled, the locked card is bypassed and
the event is noted in the OM error log and in the PC event log.
Figure 53
Locked ITG card message