Page 40 of 378 Description
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Card Status LED
A single red, card status LED on the faceplate indicates the enable d/disabled
status of the 24 ports on the card. The LED i s on (re d) during the power up or
reset sequence. The LED remains lit until the card correctly boots and
assumes its role (that is, Leader, Backup Le ader, Follower or DCH IP). If the
LED remains on, one of the following has occurred:
that self-test has failed (the Facepl ate Maintenance Di splay indicates the
cause F:xx)
t he card has rebooted
t he card is active, but there are no trunks configured on it (for example,
the card is a Leader or DCHIP)
t he ca rd is active and has trunks, but the trunks are disabled (that is, the
trunks must be enabled in LD 32)
Note: During configuration, the error message “F:10” can appear. Thi s
error indicates a missing Security Device. It occurs since Security
Devices are not implemented on ITG Trunk 2.0. You can ignore this
See “ITG Trunk 2.0 faceplate maintenance display codes” on page329 for a
complete list of faceplate codes.
Ethernet status LEDs
Ethernet status LEDs for the voice interface on the daughterboard display the
Ethernet activity as follows:
Green is alwa ys on i f the carrie r (link pulse) i s re ceived fro m the T-LAN
Ethernet hub.
Yellow flashes when there is data activity on the T-LAN.
Duri ng heavy traffic, yellow can stay continuously lit.
Note: There are no Ethernet status LEDs for the management interface
on the motherboard.