Install and configure ITG ISL Trunk node Page 161 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Note 1:
When ITG cards are installed, the red LED on the faceplate is
lit if: the card has rebooted; the card is active, but there are no trunks
configured on it; or the card is active and has trunks, but the trun ks are
disabled. If the LED does not follow the pattern described (such as
remaining continuously flashing or weakly lit), replace the card.
Note 2:
Observe the ITG Faceplate Maintenance display to see start
- up self-test results and status messages. A displ ay of the t ype “F :xx”
indicates a failure. Some failures indicate that you mu st replace the
card. “F:10” temporarily appears on the display, which i ndicates a
Security Device test failure. Since ITG 2.0 does not use Security
Devices, you can ignore this error.
Refer to “ITG Trunk 2.0 faceplate maintenance display codes” on
page 329 for a complete listing of the codes.
Install NTCW84JA Large System I/O Panel 50-Pin filter adapterFor Large Systems, the standard filtering is provided by the 50-Pin filter
adapters mounted in the I/O Panel on the back of the IPE shelf. The filter
adapter connects externally to the MDF cables and internally to the
NT8D81AA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly. Within the
adapter, all Tip and Ring pairs, including the T-LAN pairs, are filtered. For
100BaseT operation, the standard adapter must be replaced with the
NTCW84JA adapt er which is ide ntical to the e xisting adapter bu t has
unfiltered T-LAN Tip and Ring pairs.
For Option 11C systems, the standard I/O filter connector already supports
For Large Systems manufactured during the period of 1998-1999 and
shipped in North America, the IPE modules have the NT8D81BA
Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly with a non-removable
Filter Connector. The NT8D81BA is compatible with 10BaseT
T-LAN, but if you require a 100BaseT T-LAN, you need to order the
NT8D81AA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly to replace
it. Do not try to install the NTCW84JA Filter Connector onto the
existing non-removable Filter Connector.