Page 72 of 378 ITG Engineering Guidelines
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
AudienceThis chapter is addressed to both telecom and datacom engineers who are
going to design and install the ITG network. It is assumed that the telecom
engineer is familiar with engineering the Meridian 1, and obtaining system
voice and fax traffic statistics. It is assumed that the datacom engineer is
familiar with the intranet archi tect ure, LAN instal latio ns , tools for col le cting
and analyzing data network statistics, and data network management sy stems.
ITG equipment requirementsThe ITG system was designed for operation on a well provisioned, stable
LAN. Delay, delay variation or jitter, and packet loss must be mini mi ze d
end-to-end across the LAN and WAN. You must determine the design and
configuration of the LAN and WAN that link the ITG system. If the intranet
becomes overloaded, new calls to the ITG system fall back to normal
circuit-switched voice faci litie s so t hat th e qual ity of se rvice does not degrade
for new calls.
The ITG product is for intranet use only. ITG prov ides virt ual analog ISL TIE
trunks between two Meridian 1 systems in an ESN network, as shown in
Figure 12. ITG does not support modem traffic except for Group 3 fax. The
technician must configure the Meridian 1 routing controls to r oute modem
traffic over circuit-switched trunks instead of over ITG.
The ITG system is available for options 11C, 51C, 61C, 81 and 81C systems
running X11 release 25 or later software. It is also compatible with SL-1
systems NT, RT, and XT upgraded to support IPE cards.
Figure 12
The Meridian Integrated IP Telephony Gateway intranet
June 09 10:49 A
June 09 10:49 A
IP ..
.. Private IP
Private IP
data network
data network
Voice Trunks
10/100BaseT 10/100BaseT