Page 298 of 378 Maintenance
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
ITG0201 Management Ethernet buffer
exceeded. Packet(s) discarded. Indicates E-LAN interface
hardware problems or excessive
E-LAN traffic.
ITG0202 Card recovered from software
ITG0203 Fallback to PSTN activated. Bad
network condition. This alarm
indicates a QoS fallback.
Recurrent QoS fallback and
recovery can indicate network
faults, far-end ITG Trunk node
failure or network QoS
configuration errors.
ITG0204 DSP device reset. A DSP failed to
respond and was reset. If this alarm occurs repeatedly on
the same DSP, replace the card
(see “Replace an ITG card” on
page 321)
ITG0206 Invalid A07 message receive d.
Message discarded. A07 is a
message signaling interface
between Meridian 1 and the ITG
Trunk 2.0 card.
Verify that the card type is correct ly
configured in Meridian 1. Print TNB
in LD20. Ensure that the card is
configured as a TIE Trunk with
ITG0207 Unknown H.323 message
received. Message discarded. Indicates unsupported H.323
gateway is misconfigured to send
messages to ITG Trunk 2. 0. Locate
address that is sending
unsupported messages.
ITG0208 Backup Leader has been
activated. Leader card not
Investigate why Active Leader
failed. Either Leader 0 or Leader1
can perform the Active Leader or
Backup Leader role.
ITG220 Upgrading with old software
version (unknown processor type).
Table 44
ITG Trunk 2.0 alarms (Part2 of 6)
Alarm Description Fault Clearing Action