Page 284 of 378 OA&M using the ITG shell CLI and overlays
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
• bootPFilePut "hostname","username","password",
"directory path","filename"
OM trace and log files commands
Use these commands to pu t f i les o n a h os t fo r a ddi ti onal an al ys is when MAT
• c urrOm FileP ut "hostname","u sername", "password" ,
"directory path","filename"
• prevOmFilePut "hostname","username","password" ,
"directory path","filename"
• traceFilePut "hostname","username","password" ,
"directory path","filename"
• currL ogF ilePut "hostname","username","password",
"directory path","filename"
• prevLogFilePut "hostname","username","password",
"directory path","filename"
Upgrade ITG card software from the command line interfaceUse this procedure when the preferred method, described in “Trans mi t new
software to ITG Trunk cards” on page227, is not available.
Note: If the MAT PC is remotely connected to the ITG node through
PPP link through the dialup modem router, then use this procedure to
upgrade the ITG card from an FTP host. This makes sure that the
software file is transmitted intact before it is copied to the flash ROM
This procedure updates the ITG card software with the binary file received
from an FTP host or ITG card with IP address hostname. The ITG card FTP
client performs a get which downloads the file to the ITG flash device. A