Maintenance Page 313 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
currLogFilePut hostname,
username, password,
directory path, filename
The logFilePut task on the ITG host starts an FTP session with
the given parameters and downloads the ITG card’s current log
file to the indicated location on the host.
ITG> currLogFilePut “ngals042”, “anonymous”, “guest”,
“/currDir”, “logF ile”
prevLogFilePut hostname,
username, password,
directory path, filename
The logFilePut task on the ITG host starts an FTP session with
the given parameters and downloads the ITG card’s previous
log file to the indicated location on the host.
ITG> prevLogFilePut “ngals042”, “anonymous”, “guest”,
“/currDir”, “logF ile”
bootPFilePut hostname,
username, password,
directory path, filename
The bootpFilePut task on the ITG host starts an FTP session
with the given parameters and downloads the ITG car d’s bootp
file to the indicated location on the host.
ITG> bootpFilePut “ngals042”, “anonymous”, “guest”,
“/bootpDir”, “bootpFile”
hostFilePut hostname,
username, password,
directory path, filename,
Transf er any file on the ITG card from location ITGFileName
and does a put using FTP to the host indicated by hostname,
username, password, and directory path.
ITGFileName is the full path (that is, path / filename of where the
file is taken from on the ITG card).
ITG> hostFilePut “ngals042”, “anonymous”, “guest”, “/hostDir”,
“hostFile”, “/C:/CO N F IG/ CONFIG1.INI”
Table 52
NVRAM IP configuration commands (Part1 of 2)
Command Description
NVRIPSet IP address Set the IP address in NVRAM.
Table 51
File transfer commands (Part3 of 3)
Command Description