Page 88 of 378 ITG Engineering Guidelines
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Leader And DCHIP Card Real Time EngineeringIf you will be configuring an ITG Trunk node with fi ve cards or le ss, then you
can safely skip this section. Real time engineering becomes important in the
case of nodes with more than five cards and very large networks, i.e. one
hundred or more ITG Trunk nodes.
Leader and DCHIP card standard confi
uration rules
1Leader 0 with DCHIP and fully configured trunks supporting Leader 1
and all Followers. This rule covers most IT G Trunk nod e confi gura tions .
2Leader 0 with first DCHIP and fully configured tr unks supportin g half of
the Followers, and Leader 1 with second DCHIP and fully configured
trunks supporting the other half of the Followers. This rule covers
D-Channel redundancy with two ITG trunk routes per node.
3Leader 0 with first DCHIP and partial ly configured t runks, L eader 1 wit h
second DCHIP and partially configured trunks supporting ve ry large ITG
Trunk nodes in very large ITG Trunk networks. This rule covers very
large nodes and networks with multiple ITG trunk routes per node.
To setup an incoming voice (or f ax) call , the Fol lower C ard is responsi ble for
communicating with the Follower Card at the far-end to set up (and tear
down) the call. H owever, the Leader Card needs to as sist the Follower C ard
in obtaining the IP address of the fa r-end Fol lower C ard and p ro vide ne twor k
performance statist ics so that the Follo wer Card can set up the cal l correctly.
The Leader Card CPU real time ne ed s to be engineered to reser ve enough
capacity to provide this call processing functionality.
The real time capacity of the Leader Card depends on various factors:
1host module CPU (Intel 486 or Pentium-based)
2the number of ports on the Leader Card configured to transmit voice or
fax traffic (and the selected codec and voice sample size)
3the size of the ITG network (number of Leader Cards in the network)
4number of probe packets sent to every Leader Card at remote node, etc.
Factor (1) impacts the real time capacity significantly. Factors (3) and (4)
impact the real time requirement of the software component Network
Monitoring Module on the Leader Card. In this section the following