Page 244 of 378 Upgrade an ITG Trunk 1.0 node to support ISDN signaling trunks
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
bLoad LD14 and out the cards one at a time. The way to do this is
to say OUT x, where x = the number of units on each card and
TN=y, where y is the lowest unit on the card. Give the starting unit
on the card.
cWhen you have outed all the trunks on the LTN of your basic ITG
trunk TIE route, then you can out the route data block.
2Out route data block for ITG basic trunks. Load LD16.REQ = OUT. It
prompts you for the customer number an d rout e number an d hit enter.
The route data block is then deleted.
Configure the Meridian 1 ITG ISL Trunk data:upgrade considerations
If you are going to leave the 8-port cards in the same cardslots, use the same
card TNs and route number when you build your new ITG ISL Trunk Route.
If you want to re-use the same ESN rou te list blocks and the ESN translation
tables, then you will use the same route number wh en you buil d th e new ITG
ISL TIE route and the RLB entries will still be correct.
You must remember to make certain change s to the RLB entry in LD86. For
the ITG ISL TIE Trunk Route, configure SBOC = RRA to enable fallback
routing to circuit-switched trunks.
In ITG 2.0, the digit manipulation tables are not required to reinsert AC1 or
AC2. Therefore, change the DMIs accordingly.
Verify customer data block (see Table33, “LD 15 - Configure ISDN feature
in customer data block,” on page 178). See “LD 17 - Configure the ISL
D-channel for the ITG DCHIP card (Large Syste ms)” on page174 or “LD 17
- Configure the ISL D-channel for the ITG DCHIP card (Small Systems)” on
page 176, as appropriate.
1Build a new route data block for the ITG ISL trunks using the same
route number. Set INAC=YES in the route data blocks (RDB) for the
ITG ISL routes at all Meridian 1 ESN nodes. See Table34, “LD 16 -
Configure the ITG ISL TIE Trunk route data block,” on page179
Any references to the ITG trunk route number in ESN route list
blocks will still be valid after you are finished.