Install and configure ITG ISL Trunk node Page 195 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Configure card propertiesThese procedures explain how to configure the ITG ISL trunk card roles, IP
addresses, TN, card density and D-Channel settings. Each ITG ISL Trunk
node requires a Leader 0 card and one DCHIP card (which can be Leader 0),
and can have a Leader 1 card, one or more Follower cards, and additional
DCHIP cards (which can be Leader 1 or Follower cards). Either Leader 0 or
Leader 1 can have the Active Leader status. On system power-up, Leader0
normally functions as th e Active Leader and Leader 1 as the Backup Leader.
At other times, the Lea der card functions can r everse with Leader 1 working
as the Active Leader and Leader0 working as the Backup Leader. To add an
ITG card to the node, perform the following steps:
1From the General tab, click the Configuration t ab. I f you sel ected th e
single subnet option in the General tab, the Voice IP and Voice LAN
gateway IP fields will be greyed-out.
2Select the Card role from the drop-down list box:
When you add the first card, select the card role Leader 0. When you
add the second card, select the card type Leader 1. When you add
additional cards, select the card type Follower. You configure the
DCHIP and D-Channel information.
3If you checked Use separate subnets in the General tab, perform
steps a-d.
aEnter the Management IP address.
bEnter the Management MAC address. It is the motherboard
Ethernet address. You can find it on the f aceplate l abel of th e card
you are currently configuring. It is also ident if ied as lnIsa0 on the
card startup messages and by the ifShow command in the ITG
cEnter Voice IP address (see Notes 1 and 2).
dEnter Voice LAN gateway IP address (see Notes 1 and 2).