Page 282 of 378 OA&M using the ITG shell CLI and overlays
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Transfer files through the command line interfacePerform one of the following commands at the ITG shell command line to:
• transfer a file from the ITG card to an FTP host, or
• transfer a file from an FTP host to the ITG card
The correct command depends on the type of file being transferred.
These commands are fr om th e point of vi ew of the IT G card. Comma nds wit h
“Get” as part of the command name refer to file transfer fro m the FTP host to
the ITG card. Com mands with “Put” as part of the comm and name refer to
file transfer from the ITG card to the FTP host:
For security reasons, there is no generic FTP client on the ITG card. You
cannot perform a DIR or PWD (print working directory) command on the
FTP host.
The “bootptab.1” file (transferred by the “bo otPFil eGet” and “boo tPFil ePut ”
commands) contains node properties information. The “dpt able.1” file
(transferred by the “DPAddrTGet” and “DPAddrTPut” comman d s) contains
the MAT ITG dialing plan information. The “config1.ini” file (transferred by
the “configFileGet” command) contains card properties and SNMP
information. The “bootptab.1” file only goes to the acti ve Leader c ard, whil e
the “dptable.1” and “config1.ini” files go to every ITG card.
Software update and file transfer commands
These commands are separated into different categories as described below.
These commands are c ase -s ens i tiv e. T he par am et ers fo llo win g the co mman d
must each be enclosed in quotation marks. There must be a comma and no
spaces between the par ame te rs.
Refer to the Maintenance section for a complete description of the ITG shell
file transfer commands.
Hostname refers to the IP address of the FTP host. The FTP host can be a
server on the network, the ITG card, or another ITG card in the same node.