Page 148 of 378 ITG MAT PC management configuration
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
MAT network setup guidelinesInstall MAT in a standalone mode or in a network environment. For ITG
Trunk 2.0 card, install MAT in a network environment, so you can manage
multiple ITG nodes, provide multi-user access and maintain ITG
configuration data consistency.
In the network environment, MAT stores databases on a file server. Do not
use the server to access MAT as a client PC. MAT 6.6 with Windows 95 or
Windows NT 4.0 clients are supported running on:
• Novell 3.12 or later server
• Windows NT server
• OTM 1.0 cl ient requires an OTM server
MAT Remote Access configurationSupport for remote access can be covered in two scenarios that vary
according to the support organizations acces s to th e cus tomer’ s data net work
LAN or WAN. In the first scenario, the support organization has full access
to the customer LAN/WAN network and a single remote support and
administration MAT PC can administer a local node via the ITG Management
LAN or a remote node via the WAN. The remote access capabilities are
provided via a modem router that has access to any of the ITG Management
LANs. The Remote MAT PC connects to the ITG Management over a PPP
link and then com municates to th e ITG cards the sa me as does a loc al MAT
PC on the ITG Management LAN. The IP address provided by the modem
router (for example, Nortel Networks Net gear R M356 Modem R outer) to the
remote MAT ITG PC is configured in the modem router and in the SNMP
Manager’s list of the ITG cards. All management communications inclu ding
alarms are sent o ver this channel.
In the second scenario, the support organization is denied access to the
customer LAN/WAN network for security reasons. In this case a local MAT
PC on an ITG Management LAN has access to only the ITG cards on the local
node. In this case, a private IP address can be used for the MAT PC since
management and alarm traffic would never have to travel over any network
other than the private ITG Management LAN. A modem can be used to
connect the remote MAT PC to the local MAT PC with remote access
software such as PC Anywhere runn ing in client-server mode between the