Page 288 of 378 OA&M using the ITG shell CLI and overlays
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
3Log in to the ITG shell for each card that requires a Card Properties
restore and use the configFilePut com m and wit h the appropriate
parameters, to restore the card properties files.
Note that the keycode for each card is located in the specific card
properties file. Card properties files are not interchangeable.
Recover the SNMP community namesUse this procedure when MAT ITG cannot display the updated status or to
transmit or retrieve data to or from an ITG card because of an invalid
community name in MAT ITG. This procedure can be used if the MAT PC
has crashed, and had to be restored from scratch.
The SNMP community names can be read from the ITG card in two ways:
• Reset the card and monitor th e start up messages.
• Us e the con figF i lePu t comm and to back up the Card Pr operti es fil e to an
FTP host and subsequently use a text editor to open the Card Properties
file and read the communit y nam e .
Alternatively, use the SNMP client on the MAT PC to conn ect to the FTP
host on the ITG card and log in using the ITG shell user name and
password. Get the Card Properties file from the path, which is
"/C:config/config1. ini ". Us e a te xt ed ito r t o op en t he Car d Pro p ert ie s fi le
and read the comm unity name.
IP configuration commandsThe one command that does all the necessary actions to make a le ader. Sets
IP address, gateway, subnet mask, boot method to static, and le ade r bit in
• setLeader
Enter this command to clear th e leader information in NVRAM and set the
boot method to use bootp, making the card a follower:
• clearLeader
Enter this comm and to print the values of the I P parameters that exist in