Page 316 of 378 Maintenance
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Table 54
Operational Measurement command
Command Description
resetOM This command returns all Operational Measurement
parameters collected since last log dump, including:
outgoing ca lls tried
outgoing ca lls completed
incoming calls tried
total voice time
•total fax time
outgoing packets discarded
incoming pac kets out - of - sequence
average packet delay
average packet loss
number of Fallback - to - PSTN calls
Table 55
DCHIP-only commands
Command Description
DCHenable Enable the DCH application on the card.
DCHdisable Disable the DCH application on the card.
DCHestablish Establish the DCH link when it is in release mode.
DCHrelease Release the DCH link when it is in establish mode.
DCHstatus Display the DCH application state.
DCHmenu This command allows the user to access the UIPC Debug
Menu. Once in passthru mode, the user has to “exit” the Debug
Menu, before issuing any other ITG Shell Commands.
dchipResTableShow A vailable from ITG shell. Show the Followers associated with a