Page 268 of 378 OA&M using MAT applications
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
Schedule and generate and view ITG OM reportsOperational Measur ement (OM) reports are a col lection of OM data from al l
ITG cards defined on the MAT PC or server. You can generate a report on
request or schedule the report to generate at a selected time. Each time a
report is generated, the appli cation retrie ves the late st OM data from each I TG
card defined in MAT. This data is then added to a comma separated file on
the MAT PC. A new file is created for each month of the year for which OM
data is collected. The files are named for the month and year (for example,
1To Generate or schedule a report:
aFrom the IP Telephony Gateway Main window, select File | Report
| Generate. The Generate OM Report window appears (see
Figure 55).
bTo generate a report immediate ly, clic k Genera te OM Repo rt no w
to prepare a report immediately. MAT prepares the report and
displays the information in a .csv spreadsheet format.
cTo schedule a report, click Schedule OM Report. A Scheduling
window appears (see . Fill in the fields to schedule the report and
define the times and information. Schedule report generation at
least one time a day. Click OK.
2To open and view a report:
aSelect File | Report | Open. The Open OM Report dialog box
bDouble-click on an OM report. The report appears in Microsoft
Excel. If you do not have Excel, use an application that recognizes
.csv (comma-separated) files to view the report.
Backup and restore operationsThe ITG card supports backup and restore procedures for critical
configuration data. If you replace a failed ITG card with a spare, the dialing
plan tables, DSP configuration, passwords, and other configurat ion data will
be restored from the MAT PC.