Description Page 29 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
• Backup Leader
• D-channel IP gateway (DCHIP)
The ITG ISL Trunk card roles identify which systems are active
systems/standby systems and which are client systems. The Act ive Leader
has a Node IP address on the voic e int erface. This Node IP is an alia s IP wh ich
is added to the original IP address on the voice interface. Other machines in
the network use the Node IP to keep track of the Active Leader.
Each Meridian 1 is usually configured with the following:
• on e ITG ISL Trunk card that acts as an Active Leader
• on e ITG ISL Trunk ca rd that acts as a Backup Leader
• at least one ITG ISL Trunk card that provides DCHIP functionality
• on e or more ITG ISL Trunk cards identified as Followers.
In the MAT ITG application, the term Leader 0 refers to the ITG ISL Trunk
card initially configured to perform the role of the Active Leader. The term
Leader 1 refers to the ITG ISL Trunk card that is initially configured to
perform the role of Backup Leader. The Active Leader and Backup Leader
exchange the Node IP address when the Active Leader goes out-of-service.
The term Active Leader i n dica tes the Leader 0 or the Le ad er 1 card that is
performing the Active Leader role.
Leader 0 or Leader 1 can have the Active Leader status. On system power-up,
Leader 0 normally functions as the Acti ve Lea der and L eader1 as the Backup
Leader. At other tim es, the Leader card functions reverse with Leader 1
working as the Active Leader and Leader0 working as the Backup Leader.
The Leader, Backup Leader, Follower, and DCHIP cards communicate
through their E-LAN connections.
A Follower card is an ITG ISL Trunk card which converts telephone signals
into data packets and data packets into telephone signal s. Follower cards al so
provide dialed number to IP address translation.