Maintenance Page 329 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
ITG Trunk 2.0 faceplate maintenance display co des
The ITG maintenance display provides startup codes, operating mode and
error information on the functional card st ate. Ta ble56 lists the startup codes
and operating mode codes.
When the ITG starts up, it perfor ms mul tip le self-t es ts. The f ace pla te dis pl ay
shows the test results.
If self-tests T:00-T:09 fail, the self-test program stops and the faceplate
displays an “F:xx” message to indicate which test failed. For example, if the
timer test T:05 fails, “F:05” is displayed. If more than one test fails, the
message displayed indicates the first failure.
If self-tests T:10-T:17 fail, the display contains the failure message for three
seconds and the card goes on to the next test. If more than one test fails, the
message displayed indicates the last failure.
Table 56
Faceplate maintenance display message summary (Part1 of 4)
Code Fault
Code Description
T:00 F:00 Initialization
T:01 F:01 Testing Inter nal RAM
T:02 F:02 Testing ALU
T:03 F:03 Testing address modes
T:04 F:04 Testing Boot ROM
T:05 F:05 Testing timers
T:06 F:06 Testing watchdog
T:07 F:07 Testing ext ernal RAM
T:08 F:08 Testing Host DPRAM
T:09 F:09 Testing DS30 DPRAM