Upgrade an ITG Trunk 1.0 node to support ISDN signaling trunks Page 243 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
6Reset the card. There are three ways to do this:
aFrom the IP Telephony Gateway Main window, double-click each
card to open the Card Properties. Click reset button if card is
showing responding. Close the Card Properties and go on to the
next card in the list.
b. If the card is showing “Not responding”, Telnet to the card and
enter the following command:
ITG> cardReset
c. Press the reset button on the card faceplate.
The card faceplate shows T.20 in the maintenance display window.
7At this point, the cards have ITG 2.0 ISDN functio nality and are in the
state of new 8-port cards that need to be configured. Turn to
“Configure ITG Trunk data on the Meridian 1” on page174.
8To verify the software upgrade on Le ader 0, t elnet to th e I P addres s of
the Leader 0 card. Leader 0 is the only card that has an IP address
configured at this stage of the upgrade. Enter the following command:
ITG> swVersionShow
9Configure the ITG Trunk data on the MAT 6.6 ITG ISDN IP Trunk
application. See “Configure ITG Trunk data on MAT” on page191.
10 Transmit configuration data to the upgraded ITG Trunk cards using
normal ITG Trunk 2.0 installation procedures.
11 Upgrade Meridian 1 to release 25 software.
Remove ITG 1.0 configuration data from Meridian 11Out existing ITG basic trunks that are being upgraded to ITG ISL
aIdentify TNs of trunks that are to be outed. Look in MAT ITG ISDN
IP Trunks application for ITG trunks or, in LD21, request an LTN
of existing basic ITG tie trunk route. The LTN gives you a list of
every single unit. You can see if there a re 8 or 4 TNs on the same
card. Note which units are on each card and which is the starting
unit. Count the number of units on each card. If y ou use the G.729
codec, there may only be four units on the card.