Page 188 of 378 Install and configure ITG ISL Trunk node
553-3001-202 Standard 1.00 April 2000
AC1 xx One-or-two digit NARS/BARS Access Code 1.
AC2 xx One-or-two digit NARS Access Code 2.
TGAR (NO) YES Check for Trunk Group Access Restrictions on
ESN calls.
Set TGAR = YES if required to block non-fax
modem traffic from ITG Trunk route.
Caution: This will impact all trunk access for ESN
calls. TGAR and TARG val ues must be carefully
coordinated for all stations, trunks, and routes
when setting TGAR=YES in the ESN block.
Table 37
LD 86 - Configure route list block with Step Back on Congestion on ISDN (Part1 of 2)
Prompt Response Description
REQ NEW Add new data.
CUST xx Customer number associated with this function, as
defined in LD15.
FEAT RLB Route List Data Block.
RLI xxx Route List Index to be accessed, wher e xxx is:
0-127 for BARS
0-255 for NARS
0-999 for FNP
ENTR xx Entr y number for NARS/BARS Route List, where
xx is:
0-63 for BARS/NARS
ROUT 0-511 Route number that references an ITG trunk route.
Table 36
LD 86 - Configure Electronic Switched Network (ESN) (Part2 of 2)
Prompt Response Description