Maintenance Page 305 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
ITG routes and cards in the Meridian 1
In LD 16, the Route Data Block, use the “DES” prompt to identify the IP
Telephony Gateway route.
ITG card mana
ement interface MAC address and IP address
In LD 14, use the “DES” prompt to identify the management interface MAC
address and IP address.
Print the ITG route and trunk desi
nators in the Meridian 1
In LD 21, enter the “LTM” (List Trunk Members) in res ponse to the “REQ”
prompt to list the ITG route designator’s and the individual ITG trunk
designators’ MAC addresses and IP addresses. When cards are added,
deleted, or changed, the trunk designators must be updated.
MAT maintenance commands
When changing DSP parameters in MAT, disable the ITG card’s ports before
downloading the new parameters. Modifications to node parameters require
the affected cards to be rebooted. You can modify a Dialing Plan without
rebooting or disabling the cards.
Multi-purpose Serial Data Link (MSDL) commands
All Meridian 1 MSDL commands are supported. Use Overlay 96 to enter
MSDL commands. Table 47 lists some of the more important commands.
Table 47
MSDL commands
Command Description
ENL DCH num Enables the D-channel.
DIS DCH num Disables the D-channel.
STAT D CH num Displays the state of the D-channel application.
RLS DCH num Releases the D-channel.
EST DCH num Establishes multiple frame operation on the D-channel.