Maintenance Page 307 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation


Call Tracin
(TRACE File Command)
This command interfaces with all modul es to create a n efficien t TRACE File .
It is a monitor that stores and keeps tra ck of i nformat ion about e vents . For all
error conditions, a clear log of all actions is available. The TRACE File does
not solve these errors; it on ly indica tes t hat t here were e rrors and s hows where
they originated. The TRACE File asks each module to report all events and
records the errors i n o rder in a c om ple te e ven t log. Ea ch ev ent i s m arke d with
a severity indicator.
LOG File
All hardware alarms, normal log messages, and severe events are logged in
one single LOG file.
ITG shell command set
ITG shell commands are designed to supplement overlay commands, and to
introduce new fe atures specific to t he ITG platform. To access ITG shell
commands, connect a MAT PC or a TTY to the RS-232 Mainte nance port on
the ITG card faceplate. Alternatively, connect the MAT PC or a TTY to the
Serial I/O Panel port to create a more permanent connection to the ITG card
maintenance port.
D-channel Released The D-channel link has been released.
Alternate Routing QoS prevents calls from being completed. Cause value
“Temporary f ail ure” is sent to Meridian 1 for Fallback to
Normal Service Restored Network performance is confirmed as acceptable and IP
telephony has been restarted.
Never connect to the front and back seri al ports at the same time.
Table 49
SNMP trap causing events (Part2 of 2)
Command Function