Maintenance Page 303 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Access the ITG card
Telnet access
You can connect to the ITG card using telnet. This provides access to the ITG
shell. A telnet session has higher pri ority than a serial session. A teln et session
started during an continuing serial session disables the serial connection for
the period of the Telnet session. The serial session continues when the telnet
session ends.
Serial access
You can connect to the ITG card by physically connecting to the serial port.
This provides access to the I TG shell. If there is an active t elnet session
ongoing while the serial connection i s e stablished, the serial connection wil l
not be active as telnet access has priority. The telnet session must be
terminated in order for the serial connection to become active.
ITG card overlay commands
System level maintenance of the ITG card is performed using Overlay 32 or
Overlay 36. (See Tables45 and 46.)
Table 45
Supported Overlay 32 commands (Part1 of 2)
Command Function
DISC l s c Disable the indicated card, where: l = loop, s = shelf, and
c = card.
DISI l s c Disable the indicated card when idle, where: l = loop, s =
shelf, and c = card.
DISU l s c u Disable the indicated unit, where: l = loop, s = shelf,
c = card, and u = unit.
ENLC l s c Enable the indicated card, where: l = loop, s = shelf, and
c = card.
ENLU l s c u Enable the indicated unit, where: l = loop, s = shelf,
c = card, and u = unit.
IDC l s c Print the Card ID information for the specific card, where:
l = loop, s = shelf, and c = card.