Maintenance Page 325 of 378
ITG Trunk 2.0 ISDN Signaling Link (ISL) Description, Installation and Operation
Transmit card properties and dialing plan
It is not necessary to disable ITG cards when transmitting a dialing plan
1In the IP Telephony Gateway window, select the replacement ITG
2Click menu Configuration | Synchronize | Transmit.
The “ITG – Transmit Options” window appears.
3Select the “Transmit to selected cards” radi o button. Check the “Card
properties” and “Dialing plan” boxes only.
Click the “Start Transmit” button.
The transmission status is displayed in the “Tr ansm it control” box.
Confirm the card properties and dialing plan are transmitted correctly.
4When the transmission is complete, click the “Close” button.
5Use the LD 32 ENLC command to re - enable the ITG card.
6In the “IP Telephony Gateway” main window, select menu View |
Refresh. The card status displays “Enabled.”
7Check the TN, management interface MAC address, and IP addres ses
for each ITG card. Compare the displayed values with those on the
ITG Installation Summary Sheet.
8Update the ITG Installation Summary Sheet with the new MAC
address of the replacement ITG card.
Backup and restore proced ur esITG card
Data configured on the MAT PC (for example, addres s tran slation t ab les and
DSP configuration) are locally saved on the MAT PC and also downloaded
to the ITG cards. The ITG card stores this d ata in its internal Flash File
volume (Flash EPROM which acts as a disk drive). The MAT PC can query
the card and retrieve data from it. If the ITG card is replaced, you can use t he
version of data stored on the MAT PC to configure the new card with the
same data as the replaced car d .